Barbara Cornblatt

Barbara Cornblatt

Hofstra North Shore-LIJ School of Medicine

Professor of Psychiatry and Molecular Medicine, Founder and Director of the Recognition and Prevention (RAP) program


Dr. Cornblatt is the Founder and Director of the Recognition and Prevention (RAP) program, a program dedicated to early identification and treatment of youth considered to be clinically high-risk for mental health disorders.

Dr. Barbara Cornblatt is a Professor of Psychiatry and Molecular Medicine at the Hofstra North Shore-LIJ School of Medicine and the Director of the Recognition and Prevention (RAP) Program. For more than 20 years, her research has been dedicated to understanding the causes and uncovering treatments for mental illness.

Dr. Cornblatt founded and directs the Recognition and Prevention (RAP) program in New York, one of the longest-running centers for the prevention of serious mental illness in North America. The RAP Program, which was opened in 1998, is specifically dedicated to treating early warning signs of serious mental illness in adolescents and young adults.

Dr. Cornblatt is the co-director of the International Prodromal Research Network which sponsors international collaborations and prevention studies. She is also a member of the North American Prodrome Longitudinal Study (NAPLS) consortium, one of the largest and most successful prevention collaborations worldwide.

Dr. Cornblatt has received awards from the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI), the Women’s Health Institute, and the Katz Women’s Hospital for the achievements of the RAP research program.

Education and Training


Baruch College, Industrial Psychology (1977)


New York University, Experimental Psychology (1978)

I am delighted to serve on the AIM Scientific Advisory Board Board. AIM is providing resources for both raising awareness and for developing the best treatments, and possibly even preventing mental health problems in young people. Funding from AIM to improve individual health and well-being is critical in these times of shrinking resources. I have directed the Recognition and Prevention (RAP) program for close to 20 years, and private foundation funding from organizations like AIM has enabled us to develop successful, cutting-edge treatment programs for adolescents considered to be at risk for psychosis. AIM will help to launch and expand many successful programs such as ours.

Barbara CornblattHofstra North Shore-LIJ