
Tools and strategies for youth and adults to become suicide prevention advocates.
Exploring Dr. Martin Seligman’s PERMA Model.
A mindfulness exercise that invites the entire family to practice acting in accordance with your family values.
As the job market opens itself up to equivalent experience in lieu of higher educational degrees, the value of lived experience has increased in the mental health market specifically.
Conversations around race and ethnicity can build self-esteem and coping skills for youth.
Learn these life-saving and research-based practices to support LGBTQ+ youth.
We are beyond thrilled to announce we have upgraded our visual identity, with many thanks to our friends at FISK.
By identifying adverse situations in families lives, pediatricians hope to thwart toxic stress in children and change their health trajectories, creating generations of healthier, happier children.
With the arrival of another school year, it’s more apparent than ever how young people are facing challenges that even adults aren’t sure how to handle.
The science of habit formation can help you make and keep resolutions that will improve your mental and physical health.
Sleep expert, Dr. Rafael Pelayo, explains the importance of sleep for mental health and how we can better support sleep in our children.
Four science-backed ways to keep your head on for the holidays: make space for feeling, lean into coping, set boundaries, make space for connection.
If you or your child suffers from depression in the winter months, you may have Seasonal Affective Disorder. Here are some helpful and hopeful ways to cope.
Tools and strategies for youth and adults to become suicide prevention advocates.
As the job market opens itself up to equivalent experience in lieu of higher educational degrees, the value of lived experience has increased in the mental health market specifically.
Learn these life-saving and research-based practices to support LGBTQ+ youth.
We are beyond thrilled to announce we have upgraded our visual identity, with many thanks to our friends at FISK.
A student-led California report by AIM’s Ideas Lab participants is sharing exactly how we all can make a difference in youth mental health
How can we transform youths’ relationship with social media from escapism and perfection into self-awareness and community support?
This AIM researcher is asking teens for their input on mental health solutions and helping them get out of negative thought spirals in the process.
Updates on the latest, ground-breaking youth mental health research funded by AIM - A Suicide Intervention App For College Students
Updates on the latest, ground-breaking youth mental health research funded by AIM.
New findings from neuroscientist Damien Fair’s research may lead to better brain health for children and point to more-targeted therapies for youth with mental disorders.
An interview with AIM Scientific Advisory Board member, Dr. Rinad Beidas. Her implementation science research helps point to what’s needed in order to transform our current mental healthcare system to better serve youth.
What if you could use video games as a digital treatment for youth ADHD? Dr. Adam Gazzaley is making that possible by bridging the gap between neuroscience and technology.
Tools and strategies for youth and adults to become suicide prevention advocates.
Learn these life-saving and research-based practices to support LGBTQ+ youth.
Through a community effort towards prevention of Adverse Childhood Experiences, we can shape a mentally healthy future for our youth!
Throughout the highs and lows, a fulfilling life is possible for every adolescent—experiencing bipolar disorder included.
This Dialectical Behavioral Therapy skill is a thoughtful strategy for clear, effective communication no matter what conversation you’re walking into.
This BI&POC Mental Health Awareness Month is for the Black, Indigenous, Brown, and Asian American youth who deserve access to culturally competent, inclusive, and affirming mental health care.