By Rachel Zentz, The Californian

AIM for Mental Health raises funds for research

AIM For Mental Health on the Monterey Peninsula held its AIM for the Cures on Aug. 13 and raised more than $500,000 to treat and find cures for children with mental disorders.

AIM for the Cures was held adjacent to the Gooding’s Auction site and was attended by more than 400. It featured speakers involved in cutting edge research at the nation’s top medical facilities and universities and legislative advocates.

Santa Cruz native and American Idol James Durbin, who lives with Tourette’s and Asperger’s Syndromes, and Isabella Nicole, a 13-year-old blues and jazz singing phenom with Carmel Valley roots, provided entertainment and inspiration interspersed with Gooding’s .

Proceeds from ticket sales, contributions and a dozen auction items exceeded last year’s event by more than double. A particularly heartening contribution, inspired by the evening’s speakers, was designated to underwrite a Rising Star research grant to fund ground-breaking and critical brain research in the area of teen anxiety and depression.

AIM for Mental Health was founded by Pebble Beach residents Susan and Mark Stilwell.

Read the original article in full on The Californian.

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