September 2023

Updates on the latest, ground-breaking youth mental health research funded by AIM - A Suicide Intervention App For College Students
When researching communities experiencing youth violence, it may be better to use a community-based participatory research approach and involve youth themselves in creating innovative solutions.
At AIM’s 2023 Symposium, our Ideas Lab Youth Researchers shared how to address the youth mental health crisis that is growing in the wake of COVID. The bottom line? Youths want “adults to become more considerate of youth mental health” and the nuances of their experience.
This Mental Health Awareness Month, we’re prescribing moving.
By identifying adverse situations in families lives, pediatricians hope to thwart toxic stress in children and change their health trajectories, creating generations of healthier, happier children.
With another AIM Mind, Body, Soul event under our belts, the power of community has been made more prevalent than ever.
Updates on the latest, ground-breaking youth mental health research funded by AIM.
This BI&POC Mental Health Awareness Month is for the Black, Indigenous, Brown, and Asian American youth who deserve access to culturally competent, inclusive, and affirming mental health care.
Next time you find yourself anxious, stressed, or unable to sleep, try one of these corresponding breathwork exercises and feel in your body the difference it can make!
With the arrival of another school year, it’s more apparent than ever how young people are facing challenges that even adults aren’t sure how to handle.