September 2023

AIM Youth Mental Health announces June, July, and August Mental Health First Aid Trainings.
New findings from neuroscientist Damien Fair’s research may lead to better brain health for children and point to more-targeted therapies for youth with mental disorders.
An interview with AIM Scientific Advisory Board member, Dr. Rinad Beidas. Her implementation science research helps point to what’s needed in order to transform our current mental healthcare system to better serve youth.
Did you know? Of all the youth mental health challenges, eating disorders increased the most during the COVID-19 isolation.
While many of us look forward to the winter holidays, they sometimes make us feel blue. Here’s what to do.
If you or your child suffers from depression in the winter months, you may have Seasonal Affective Disorder. Here are some helpful and hopeful ways to cope.
Four science-backed ways to keep your head on for the holidays: make space for feeling, lean into coping, set boundaries, make space for connection.
The science of habit formation can help you make and keep resolutions that will improve your mental and physical health.
How you live everyday is how you live your life. Three ways (beyond meditation) to disrupt your routine to embrace a new year's mindset of mindfulness.
Self Love: The Key to Healthy Relationships After Trauma.